Virtual SSP Training
Continuity of Learning
Current restrictions on public classroom gatherings make it difficult for school employees to maintain the Act 67 School Security Personnel (SSP) curriculum. Cardinal Point Security Group is able to bridge this gap and provide continuity of learning with our Commonwealth of PA approved VIRTUAL TRAINING PROGRAM.
State Approved Curriculum per ACT 67
As you are aware, all school security personnel are required by the state to complete this training. SSP Learning is a vital component of emergency management and continuity of safety in our schools.
Cardinal Point Security Group has received permission from Pennsylvania to move our classroom training to an online platform during the current pandemic restrictions.
Learn From the Comfort of Home
Technical Requirements
All participants who enroll in an SSP course will be required to have:
- A computer and high-speed Internet
- A working computer camera
- A working microphone and speaker
How the Virtual Classroom Process Works
Our online SSP course will be taught synchronously using the Zoom Video Conferencing Platform.
Within 1 week prior to the start of the course you registered for, you’ll be provided with instructions on how to download the Zoom software application, and also how to test connectivity.
We want all students to be active participants in the learning process. Additional time will be built into the existing Cardinal Point School Security Personnel Basic Course so that everyone can be comfortable using the virtual format. Orientation time will be added to the first hour of the course to ensure that students can login and access without issue. (Similarly, time will be allocated to Module 100, Course Introduction and Overview, to introduce students to the various functions on the Zoom platform).
The Learning Platform
Cardinal Point selected Zoom as our platform, as it allows for students to learn through the presence of a live instructor. Course materials or manuals will be sent to each registrant prior to the week of their class, so that they can follow along during live instruction just as they would in a face-to-face classroom.
Additional Benefits of Zoom
Zoom’s exceptionally well-tested software platform makes them the leader in modern video communications. It is simple to use and offers instructors and students excellent control of the learning environment.
- It allows for “screen sharing” so students can visually follow what the instructor is referencing during the class.
- It allows for cataloged/searchable recording of sessions for future review
- Its breakout room feature allows for smaller group exercises and apply knowledge gained during the course.
Why We Believe in Virtual Learning at Cardinal Point
The availability and access to this excellent technology is valuable, especially as we work through this current COVID-19 crisis.
While we understand there may be an initial period of time while students get comfortable with the virtual setting, our instructors are equipped to make this process straightforward and painless. Cardinal Point is confident that the 40-hour SSP curriculum can be learned via this environment. Students should not hesitate to “dive in” and complete their required training through our Virtual Learning platform.
We Are Here to Help
Should you have any questions about our Virtual Training classes, please call Saida Harpi (Training Coordinator) at 267.636.9125 or John Gooley (Director of School Security) at 267.473.5366.